
Current time in Cameron Park, United States

UTC -7 hours (Pacific Time - PST)
*this is summer time
11:50:09 AM
Friday, 28th June 2024


5:43 AM
+23 seconds

Solar Noon

1:08 PM
+11 seconds


8:33 PM

Quick facts about the day

  • In Cameron Park today's day time will be 14 hours 50 minutes 45 seconds long (that is 24 seconds shorter than yesterday).
  • The local time in Cameron Park is 1 hour 8 minutes 30 seconds ahead of solar noon (middle of the solar day).
  • The sunrises and sunsets in Cameron Park take 3 minutes 10 seconds.
  • The maximum elevation angle that the sun will achieve (solar noon) today will be 74.57 degrees i.e 0.05 degrees lower than yesterday.