
Current time in Derry, United Kingdom

UTC +1 hour (Greenwich Mean Time - GMT)
*this is summer time
11:22:55 PM
Saturday, 28th September 2024


7:27 AM
+1 minute 52 seconds

Solar Noon

1:21 PM
-20 seconds


7:14 PM
-2 minutes 34 seconds

Quick facts about the day

  • In Derry today's day time was 11 hours 46 minutes 51 seconds long (that is 4 minutes 27 seconds shorter than yesterday).
  • The local time in Derry is 1 hour 21 minutes 3 seconds ahead of solar noon (middle of the solar day).
  • The sunrises and sunsets in Derry take 3 minutes 43 seconds.
  • The maximum elevation angle the sun achieved (solar noon) today was 32.84 degrees i.e 0.39 degrees lower than yesterday.