
Current time in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan

UTC +4 hours (Azerbaijan Time - AZT)
3:28:12 AM
Thursday, 19th September 2024


6:44 AM
+53 seconds

Solar Noon

12:53 PM
-22 seconds


7:02 PM
-1 minute 38 seconds

Quick facts about the day

  • In Nakhchivan today's day time will be 12 hours 17 minutes 41 seconds long (that is 2 minutes 32 seconds shorter than yesterday).
  • The local time in Nakhchivan is 53 minutes 28 seconds ahead of solar noon (middle of the solar day).
  • The sunrises and sunsets in Nakhchivan take 2 minutes 45 seconds.
  • The maximum elevation angle that the sun will achieve (solar noon) today will be 52.18 degrees i.e 0.39 degrees lower than yesterday.